Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Child Daycare Buffalo Grove Center is not only a child care center offering quality care and education to children, it is a community within itself.
Daycare near me partner with parents through special events, community service and volunteer opportunities, book fairs, picnics, celebrations of staff milestones and achievements, parades, preschool graduations, camp-outs, and everyday communication.
Daycare near me invite you to come visit us so that you may see first hand the wonderful interactions and opportunities we provide for children each day!
- - Quality care and education by knowledgeable staff
- - A safe, nurturing environment built on trust and respect
- - Growth through observation, assessment and support
- - Encouraging individuality, independence and tolerance
- - Staff-Parent partnerships
- - Individualized attention through primary care-giving
- - Assistance for children with special needs
- - A diverse Center community that serves all economic levels, ethnic origins and family units
Arts, music, story time, nature study, science, outdoor sports, games, Good Friday’s Program, Winter Program, And Summer Camp.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Two Daily Snacks; all well-balanced, nutritious, and delicious
Outdoor Play Ground
Child Daycare Buffalo Grove is surrounded by nature, trees, and flowers. Daycare near me provide the biggest outdoor zone in our town.
Educated and Loving Staff
Daycare near me staff has the highest qualification, degrees, and years of experience.
Safety & Security
Secure Doors and Locks. 24 hour Monitoring and Recording Cameras. Our center is secured by ADT we connect to all emergency agents with just one button
Daycare near me strive to keep our school as clean as your home
Open Doors
You can always stop by to see your child, no advance notice is required, and we will always welcome you with open arms
Specially developed structured program just for our children
Stimulatinag Environment
You will not find a brighter or more colorful school
Music, Dance, Yoga Class
Special Room is provided for our classes and Gym
We are always available to Talk